TSA Spring Convention

Click Here for 2024 Spring Convention details and Registration

TSA's 2024 Spring Convention will be May 17-19 at Cave Without A Name in Boerne, TX.


What is TSA's Spring Convention?

Each year, the Texas Speleological Association holds a spring convention.  This is a technical meeting with presentations from cavers about project status, techniques and many other subjects.  The location varies from year to year but is always held at a location where slide and video presentations are possible.

The Texas Speleological Association was formed in 1956 to bring the widely dispersed cavers and caving organizations in Texas together as an Association in order to promote cooperation and to coordinate the caving activities within the state. The cavers and organizations have changed over the years; both have increased in number and diversity. But the importance of the TSA as an Association has never been greater. If you are interested in preserving or exploring Texas Caves, or if you are interested in the latest discoveries and explorations. If you are interested in mapping, conservation, safety and techniques, meeting other cavers; then you should attend the TSA Spring Convention and join the TSA.

The TSA Spring convention offers cavers a unique opportunity to learn more about caves and caving in Texas. In addition to presentations on the latest discoveries and techniques; there are photo and map salons. There is the opportunity to learn more about the various TSA caving projects and to meet cavers from around the state.